Creating a Cloud Storage Bucket based on Open Source with Typescript

Eyevinn Technology
4 min readJan 9, 2025


This blog provides you with a step-by-step code example how to create a bucket to store your files in the cloud with Eyevinn Open Source Cloud and MinIO.

Open Source Cloud offers a refreshing alternative that is free from vendor lock-in as the services are based on open source.

– Free tier with 50 GB of storage
– Completely compatible with popular tools like AWS S3
– No complex setup or massive technical knowledge required
– Supports media, images, documents, and more

Follow this step-by-step guide to get started.

Step 1: Sign-up and Setup

Create an account for free at and create your tenant. If you already have access to Eyevinn Open Source Cloud you can skip this step.

Obtain your personal access token by navigating to Settings / API in the web console. Store this value in an environment variable called OSC_ACCESS_TOKEN :

% export OSC_ACCESS_TOKEN=<personal-access-token>

Install Eyevinn Open Source Cloud SDK for Typescript.

% npm install --save @osaas/client-core
% npm install --save @osaas/client-services

Install the AWS S3 client (this does not require an AWS account).

% npm install --save @aws-sdk/client-s3

Install the MinIO client

% npm install --save minio

Step 2: Write example main function

Now we are ready to start writing a function to create a storage bucket in Eyevinn Open Source Cloud. Let us start with a main function including creation of storage and as an example use the AWS S3 client to list buckets on our storage.

import { Context } from '@osaas/client-core';
import { S3Client, ListBucketsCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';

async function main() {
const ctx = new Context();
const storage = await createStorageBucketInEyevinnOSC('mybucket', ctx);
const client = new S3Client({
endpoint: storage.endpoint,
credentials: {
accessKeyId: storage.accessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: storage.secretAccessKey
const command = new ListBucketsCommand({});
const data = await client.send(command);
console.log(data.Buckets?.map((b: any) => b.Name));

Step 3: Write function to create storage bucket

Now let us develop the function that creates the storage bucket in Eyevinn Open Source Cloud.

import * as Minio from 'minio';
import { Context, getInstance, waitForInstanceReady } from '@osaas/client-core';
import {
} from '@osaas/client-services';

async function createStorageBucketInEyevinnOSC(name: string, ctx: Context) {
// Generate a service access token for MinIO service
// and check whether we already have an instance running
const sat = await ctx.getServiceAccessToken('minio-minio');
let instance: MinioMinio = await getInstance(ctx, 'minio-minio', name, sat);
if (!instance) {
// If no instance found let us create one.

// Generate a random root password for accessing the storage
// and create an instance
const rootPassword = randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
const config: MinioMinioConfig = {
RootUser: 'root',
RootPassword: rootPassword
const newInstance = await createMinioMinioInstance(ctx, config);
instance = newInstance;
// Wait for instance to be ready and give it an extra 2 seconds
// to be sure.
await waitForInstanceReady('minio-minio', name, ctx);
await delay(2000);

// Use the MinIO client SDK to create a bucket and set a public
// bucket policy
const minioClient = new Minio.Client({
endPoint: new URL(instance.url).hostname,
accessKey: 'root',
secretKey: instance.RootPassword || ''
await minioClient.makeBucket(name);
await minioClient.setBucketPolicy(

return {
endpoint: instance.url,
accessKeyId: 'root',
secretAccessKey: instance.RootPassword || ''

The bucket policy we will be using in this example allows public and anonymous access to this bucket.

function createPublicBucketPolicy(name: string) {
return {
Statement: [
Action: ['s3:GetBucketLocation', 's3:ListBucket'],
Effect: 'Allow',
Principal: {
AWS: ['*']
Resource: [`arn:aws:s3:::${name}`]
Action: ['s3:GetObject'],
Effect: 'Allow',
Principal: {
AWS: ['*']
Resource: [`arn:aws:s3:::${name}/*`]
Version: '2012-10-17'

Step 4: Upload a file to bucket

To upload a file to this bucket we can use the AWS S3 client.

% export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=root AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<RootPassword>
% aws s3 \
--endpoint \
cp pod-sprint24.m4a s3://mybucket/
upload: ./pod-sprint24.m4a to s3://mybucket/pod-sprint24.m4a

The endpoint is the storage.endpoint i.e. the URL to the MinIO instance created.

As this was created with public access we can access this files directly from a web browser using the URL:


We have in this blog post shown an example on how you can easily enable storage for your application using a open web service available in Eyevinn Open Source Cloud. The key benefit of using a service based on open source is that you are not locked in with a specific vendor and you have the option to run the very same code in your own infrastructure or cloud.



Eyevinn Technology
Eyevinn Technology

Written by Eyevinn Technology

We are consultants sharing the passion for the technology for a media consumer of the future.

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