Open Source Newsletter #006
In the Eyevinn Open Source Newsletter we present the latest updates and additions to our libraries, tools and components that we have made available as open source. Contents in this issue:
- SRT WHIP Gateway
- AutoVMAF
- Sustainable FAST Channel Engine
SRT WHIP Gateway
Based on the whip-mpegts command line tool that was mentioned in #005 we have made available an SRT to WHIP application that provides a basic UI and API to manage the streams.
Currently including the following features:
- Manage and control transmitters via a REST API and UI
- MPEG-TS over SRT with support for AVC and HEVC codec
- Restream SRT input to an additional SRT ingest endpoint in parallell to WHIP endpoint. This for both WebRTC based distribution and HTTP based distribution of the same channel.
- Containerized and ready to run in a cloud-first environment
To try it out run:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 9000-9999:9000-9999/udp \
Once the container is up and running you can access the API at http://localhost:3000/api/docs and the Web GUI at http://localhost:3000/ui.
Sustainability in streaming will be even more important going forward, and to facilitate bandwidth saving measures, we are open sourcing our toolkit we are using when helping our customers to optimize their ABR ladders.
To automate parts of this process we have developed a toolkit called AutoVMAF that is now available as open source for anyone to download and use. Transcoding process and measurements can be running on on-prem hardware or on AWS using MediaConvert and Elastic Container Service. The toolkit also provides a REST API to orchestrate the transcoding and measurements.
Documentation on how to get started is available online here:
The Sustainable FAST Channel Engine
Based on VOD2Live Technology and the open source Eyevinn Channel Engine library you can generate a numerous amounts of FAST channels with a fraction of energy consumption compared to live transcoded FAST channels.
To facilitate the adoption of VOD2Live technology when launching FAST channels we have created a software container that bundles the Eyevinn Channel Engine library with a simplified open-source Scheduling Service while still maintaining the option to integrate with other scheduling services as community provided plugins. Included in this bundle is a demo-plugin that can be used to demonstrate how running as much as 100 channels at a significant lower CPU footprint compared to real-time transcoding of 100 channels is possible.
The open-source community can contribute with plugins for other scheduling services as this bundling is also made available as open source. The software bundle is distributed as Docker container images and available on the public Docker Hub registry. Instructions on how to download and install is available on the online documentation site.
And as a last remark, the report of the results of Validating the Scalability of a One-to-Many Distribution based on WebRTC and the IETF Drafts WHIP and WHEP is now published and available.
That’s all for now!
Join our community on Slack where you can post any questions regarding any of our open source projects. Eyevinn’s consulting business can also offer you:
- Further development of any of these components
- Customization and integration of any of these components into your platform
- Support and maintenance agreement
Contact if you are interested.